About the Business

A big part of why I went virtual, in addition to my disabilities, was so I could reach more people and help more dogs in a way that was accessible and affordable. It was important to me that this time around, I found other ways of making money doing what I love while still providing the care and support my clients needed so I could focus more on community support. One way we do that is through sponsorships and affiliates, so you may notice some ads placed around our site. Sometimes these come at a discount to you for using my links, but it will *NEVER* cost you anything extra to use my links. Another way our business model survives is through donations. You can donate to help folks keep getting the training support their dog needs through Ko-Fi.

About Me as a Trainer

I’m an extremely passionate dog trainer with nearly two decades of experience under my belt. Among other experience and education, I trained under a veterinary behaviorist, now specializing in puppy development and service dogs, but originally with a background in aggressive animals and exotics behavior.

For many years, I worked with extreme behavioral/rehab cases, but I found more joy in molding puppies to be stable dogs than I ever did working behavioral cases, so I focused more on puppy development and raising. I had to give up my boarding and training facility when my disabilities got worse, so I’m now fully embracing the digital world through blogging and online work/programs (check out our programs, including our unlimited trainer support program, here!), while I gear up for future board and train opportunities when I have more space. I’m also looking forward to getting another briard puppy in the near future and I’m so excited to share their journey.

More About The Zoo

In addition to a micro zoo of small animals (mice, chinchilla, bunny, fish, etc.), there are, of course, the dogs.

Ellie, an elderly border collie, very recently passed away. We miss her terribly, the pack isn’t the same without the Fun Police around. I hope we all meet her again in another life. When she went, so did part of my soul.

Pandora, my protection dog Caucasian shepherd. She’s about to turn two and is my wonderfully stable guardian for both me and the pack/other animals. She’s a giant goofy love much of the time, but takes her job very seriously.

Voodoo, my briard service dog. He turns 4 this year, and he has been an absolute life saver. I cannot begin to explain how absolutely amazing he is as a service dog or how many times he’s saved my life. True to briard form, he’s a silly boy with a serious streak.

They are my whole world and often the only reason I get out of bed. They need to go out for adventures or do activities at home or whatever, I can’t just rest all day just because I don’t feel good.

All three have taught me so much more about dogs than I could ever imagine possible, all in very different ways. I could ramble all day if I’m not careful. One day, each will get their own page, including what they’ve taught me and how they need to be handled.

Their best life starts with Embark. Shop now